NFT Marketplace website

Non Fungible Tokens or NFTs are digital tokens based on blockchain technology, NART is providing a platform for users to buy and sell NFT Artworks in Cryptocurrency format.
This project aims to provide a platform that allows users to buy and sell NFT artworks. Through the research and data analysis, the NFT marketplace is using a blockchain-based tool that enables anyone to monetize digital content, it is growing into a major industry. NFT platforms are built around the idea that just like physical content, digital content too can be scarce — that is, limited in quantity. NFTs are growing fast, they have demonstrated the potential to be highly lucrative, creating real value for both buyers and sellers, this new marketplace is now rapidly entering the mainstream.
The non-fungible token (NFT) market is growing at a CAGR of 35.27% and is expected to register an incremental growth of USD 147.24 billion between 2021 and 2026. This market is gaining enormous popularity because of the interest of so many people, brands, and companies.In addition, APAC is currently the dominating region, occupying 43% of the global market share. The increasing demand for digital assets in countries such as Singapore, China, South Korea, the Philippines, and Japan is driving the growth of the regional market
User Interviesw
I did 6 interviews, all of them have experience in the NFT area. The research aimed to understand users' behaviors, preferences, and expectations regarding NFTs and the user interface of a NFT marketplace. The key findings show that users have different levels of knowledge and experience with NFTs, but they all prioritize usability, security, and transparency in the UI/UX design. The report concludes with recommendations for improving the design and user experience of the marketplace.
Key Finding
Usability is key
Users prioritize ease of use and intuitive navigation over complex features. They prefer a clean and simple design that guides them through the buying and selling process.
Aesthetic appeal matters
Users appreciate a visually appealing design that showcases the uniqueness of each NFT.
Users appreciate personalized recommendations and alerts based on their interests and purchase history.
Target audience
Collectors Investors ‍Beginners
Tech-savvy audience Disposable income buyer
Final Display
Mobile Display